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Post number: 8
Time posted: Thu Feb 27 2025 06:21:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 1877-11-24
Title: Black Beauty
Nickname(s): Sewell / Anna,Project Gutenberg fan
Message: neigh it is about a horse
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 0
Tags: available as: ebook,fiction,novel,main character: animal,contains: harm to animals,xenofiction,fictional autobiography,horse
Word Count:
Page Count:
Minimum age: 5
Last bumped: Thu Feb 27 2025 06:21:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Load count: 243
Post number: 7
Time posted: Thu Feb 20 2025 06:27:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 2008-06-27
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Nickname(s): Carrol / Lewis, Project Gutenberg fan
Message: A girl follows a rabbit down a hole and finds a very strange world! You can type a lot more than this example entry shows.
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 0
Tags: available as: ebook,children's fiction,fantasy,audience: young children,main character: human,available on: project gutenberg,available as: html,main character:female,main character:child
Word Count: 28000
Page Count:
Minimum age: 5
Last bumped: Thu Feb 20 2025 06:27:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Load count: 403
Immune: true
Post number: 6
Time posted: Mon Feb 17 2025 07:30:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 2016-11-25
Nickname(s): Gouges / Olympe de
Message: written in the late 18th century, in support of women's rights. Produced by Claudine Corbasson and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at .
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 0
Tags: available as: ebook,history,feminism,france,french,enlightenment period,political
Word Count:
Page Count:
Minimum age: 5
Last bumped: Mon Feb 17 2025 07:30:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Load count: 434
Immune: true
Post number: 4
Time posted: Mon Feb 17 2025 06:44:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 2025-02-08
Title: Stop Killing Games
Nickname(s): stop killing games fan
Message: Hi there! // Do you agree that books you bought should be available offline once a server shuts down, even if it's an ebook? THEN SIGN THE STOP KILLING GAMES PETITION TODAY! // How is this relevant to books? // Do you hate the idea of being unable to access your books offline if a bookseller decides to shut off their servers that verify the DRM, or shut off the servers that contain your books? Do you still want the goods you purchased to be accessible in some way, offline, without having to interact with whatever provided the books if they can no longer or do not want to support their online servers anymore? Basically, your ebooks SHOULD NEVER BE BRICKED AND BE MADE INACCESSIBLE! Then by making potential headway in video game law, it will have stronger basis for other digital products! // The Stop Killing Games petition is often misrepresented as "make it illegal to shut down servers!" but it is actually about HAVING CONTENT YOU PURCHASED STILL BE ACCESSIBLE, AND NOT BE BRICKED, ONCE SERVERS ARE SHUT DOWN! It is NOT about preventing end of life for products, IT IS ABOUT MAKING END OF LIFE PLANS! For video games which are much more complex in terms of code, the laws will likely apply for any new games made after any potential laws are put in place, so those video games will be planned with an end-of-life plan in mind. // Right now there's petitions aimed at the EU, Canada, and the UK! CHECK IT OUT IF YOU'RE OF VOTING AGE! Go to for more information, and I've also put the FAQ in below.
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 0
Tags: available as: ebook,available on: amazon,stop killing games,consumer rights
Word Count: 0
Page Count:
Minimum age: 0
Last bumped: Mon Feb 17 2025 06:44:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Load count: 442
Immune: true
Post number: 3
Time posted: Mon Feb 17 2025 05:55:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 2025-02-20
Title: sdasdsad
Nickname(s): asdasdsa
Message: sadasdsad
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 111
Tags: available on: angus & robertson,available on: vivlio,available on: palace marketplace,ccdscsdc,csdcsdc,dscsdcsdc
Word Count:
Page Count:
Minimum age: 3
Last bumped: Mon Feb 17 2025 05:55:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Load count: 445
Post number: 2
Time posted: Mon Feb 17 2025 05:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 2025-02-13
Title: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nickname(s): aaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaa
Message: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 222
Tags: available as: ebook, aaaaaaaaaa
Word Count: 2
Page Count:
Minimum age: 2
Last bumped: Mon Feb 17 2025 05:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Load count: 446
Post number: 1
Time posted: Sun Feb 16 2025 16:39:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Publish date: 2025-02-12
Title: test title
Nickname(s): nicknameTest
Message: test test test launch
Available at:
Price in USA dollars: 9000
Tags: available as: ebook,available as: paperback,available as: hardcover,comic book,graphic novel,main character: mythical creature,contains: no violence, test launch,testlaunch2,tag4,tag5
Word Count: 5555
Page Count:
Minimum age: 82
Last bumped: Sun Feb 16 2025 16:39:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)